Tomorrow’s Future
2 min readJul 11, 2019


“Tomorrow’s Future” is the newest edition where the emerging technologies elite of Zurich gathers to talk about disruption & revolution within different industries in the future!

We are happy to announce one of Zurich’s most exciting event this year! 😃

“Tomorrow’s Future” is the newest edition by Scale Network in collaboration with the HWZ Alumni, InnMind and, where the emerging technologies elite of Zurich gathers to talk about disruption & revolution within different industries in the future!

💡 Potential topics:
Depending on the availability of speakers, topics can garn around AI, DLT, blockchain and new innovative ways of doing things… in other words “emerging technologies”.

🎤 Potential speakers:
Potential speakers could be high profile people in blockchain, such as founders or representatives of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, R3 Corda, Effect AI, Orchid Protocol, Founders of top 20 coins and
innovative companies in the field of AI.

🔝 Event format:

  1. 3 presentations of 20 minutes each
  2. Networking & Apero

🔎 Location:
Sihlhof, HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich
Lagerstrasse 5, 8004 Zürich

☑ Date:
03 October 2019
Entrance: free

Follow the link below to register and get updates

>>> Register to Tomorrow’s Future <<<



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